Who knew getting rid of bugs could feel like wielding a magic wand? Our electric handheld ulv electrostatic sprayer - the ultimate solution for all your cleaning, gardening, and multipurpose needs! This advanced tech sprayer combines the power of ulv fogging and electrostatic spraying technology to give you 360-degree coverage of disinfectant protection like never before. With ultra-low volume droplets measuring below 50 microns and electrostatic charging, this sprayer ensures that the particles are attracted to negative surfaces, guaranteeing maximum efficacy. Powered by a 12v li-ion battery, it offers a remarkable spray distance of up to 135 inches and a generous tank capacity of 34oz. | Key Feature 1 value: 11' Foot | Key Feature Title: Spraying Distance | Key Feature 2 value: 34 Oz | Key Feature 2 Title: Tank Capacity | Key Feature 3 Value: 220ML | Key Feature 3 Title: Per Minute | dimensions: 11.6 x 10.8 x 5.2 (L x W x H Inches) | capacity: 34Oz | tank material: Plastic | battery type: 12V Lithium Ion | product weight: 1Lb