The 30 Sonatas of Sebasti‡n de Albero (1722Ð1756), who worked for the Spanish court in Madrid along with Italian-born Domenico Scarlatti and fellow-Spaniard Antonio Soler, is a remarkable contribution to the vital Iberian keyboard literature of the 18th century.
Lively, colorful, melancholy Ñ with the Spanish-style harmonic and melodic inflections, irregular phrases, dissonances, and ingenious modulations characteristic of the best work of his contemporaries Ñ AlberoÕs 30 Sonatas displays his distinctive personality. While enriching the repertoire of pianists and harpsichordists, AlberoÕs work affords new insights into the vivid and expressive music of the Iberian keyboard tradition, as well as many hours of delightful music for performance and practice.
The 30 Sonatas are newly edited from the manuscript source, clearly typeset and formatted for optimal page turns, and prefaced with a biographical and editorial introduction in English, Spanish, French, and German.